Memento - Photos

Elder berries and red wool

Oscelot, yellow larch and birchwood kindling

Wood sorrel and spotted umbrella

Saxifrage, rain cape and rubber bands

Geraniums on desk

Ashes and hydrangea

Ginkgo, pins and moss

Ivy and rosehips with screws

Pokeweed with skein of thread

Forsythia with blue pagemarkers

Oak foliage, soil and clothes pegs

Birch over a bowl of strawberry plants

Work trousers and sawara cypress

Witch hazel, string and worm-eaten apple

Vine in bag with snail

Berberis with burning matches

Perennial cornflower and suit

Misteltoe with soft soap and handmade brush

Japanese laurel and rose in gravy boat

Peachtree branch and stones with holes

Marten, rose and plastic basket

Geranium and mink

Crystal goblets, duckweed and pinecones

Bamboo in towel

Wilted saxifrage, dry twigs and money

Acanthus and leather purse

Sedum and leather bergenia
The Memento series is a very personal story. When my father had to go into a nursing home we cleared out his house for sale. He left ample collections of all sorts of things from his home, the workshop and garden. These included articles my mother had left behind and which he had never had the heart to discard.
In classical still lifes each object and each plant carries a meaning indicative of a Christian world view. Here is my own personal hebarium. There are 28 different images in the series. All images are presented in the book “Memento”