Fusions - Photos

The exhibition ’Fusions’ have come about through a collaboration between Jeanette Land Schou and Peter Land, who also form a couple privately, but have not previously collaborated intensively.

- We were then invited to make an exhibition together on ‘Byen Kro’ a tavern in central Copenhagen, from October 2. – 29. 2024. We jumped at the challenge, which, with (relatively) short notice, also meant a high degree of artistic freedom. The short intensive period of collaboration has been fruitful for our artistic and personal dialogue.
- The exhibition consisted of 24 photos in different sizes of set ups of laboratory glass, flasks, rubber hoses etc. filled with a variety of fluids in different colors against different backgrounds.
- The set ups can be read as a representation of the body, and how it becomes a kind of chemistry lab, for instance in a bar, where people mix alcohol and other chemical and mind-altering substances.
- The photos can also be seen as a comment to the chemical processes inherent in all production, and, as such, contain a level of critical knowledge. But they can also be seen as purely formal playful exercises in composition, form and colors. A fascination with laboratories as they appear in old horrorfilms like Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and The Invisible Man as well as the Alchemical Universe have also informed our project.
- The laboratory equipment has been our point of departure, and given us a framework for a playful process, where we both have tested visual ideas.
If familiar with our individual work, it becomes clear what each of us have brought into the process: For instance Peter Land’s drawings of fake noses and Jeanette Land Schou’s work with still lifes and techno fossils.